Creating a Winning Local SEO Strategy

When it comes to search engines, treating everyone the same doesn’t always pay off. As a homebuilder, creating a solid local SEO strategy is key to ensuring your website appears at the top of the results page when someone is searching for a new home in your area. But how do you create that winning strategy?

That’s where local SEO comes in. Local SEO is all about optimizing your online presence so you show up when people search for home builders or new construction homes near them. A strong strategy helps you rank higher on search engine results pages for searches with local intent. It’s an effective way of increasing your visibility and driving more traffic to your website.

We’ll go over tips and tricks for creating a winning local SEO strategy that can help your business grow and reach more potential homebuyers.

Start with a comprehensive keyword research

Keyword research is the backbone of any SEO strategy, but when it comes to local SEO, it’s even more important. Conduct keyword research to identify and prioritize the search terms and phrases that your prospective clients might be using when searching with local intent. Start with basic keywords related to your business, such as “new homes” or “home builders.” Then, research geo-modified keywords, which are keywords that include the name of your town or city, such as “new homes in Los Angeles.” You should also consider long-tail keywords, which are longer and more specific phrases like “3 bedroom homes for sale in Los Angeles.”

Optimize your website

Once you have identified your keywords, it’s time to optimize your website for SEO. This includes optimizing your title tags and meta descriptions with local keywords, creating location-based landing pages, and ensuring your website is mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. Make sure your website includes information about your services and expertise in your local area, as well as your contact information and your locations. You should also make sure that your website has fast loading speeds. You can use tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights to test your website’s load time and optimize it accordingly.

Claim and optimize your google business profile

Google Business Profiles (formerly Google My Business) is a free service offered by Google that allows businesses to add their information to Google’s search results. This includes your address, phone number, hours of operation, photos, and reviews. By claiming and optimizing your Business Profile, you’ll be able to increase your visibility on search engines and make it easier for people to find your business. Make sure that your business information is accurate, respond to reviews, and upload high-quality photos that showcase your new homes and communities.

Build local citations

Building local citations is a crucial strategy in improving rankings for your home building business. A citation is a mention of your name, address, and phone number (NAP) on a trusted third-party website like Yelp or Facebook or online business directories. Google uses NAP citations to verify your business information; so the more it sees this information online, the more legitimate and trustworthy your business will appear to Google. Take some time to make sure your NAP information is consistent and accurate. Building local citations is an opportunity to feature your business and  help it rank higher in the search engine results pages.

Create a blog

Creating a blog is beneficial in multiple ways but when it comes to local SEO, it’s an essential part of your strategy. By writing about relevant industry topics and location-specific content, it’ll increase awareness of your business as a thought-leader in homebuilding services, increase website traffic which can result in lead generation or even future buyers. Write blog posts that target geographically specific keywords and feature information about local events, news, organizations, and other attractions that are relevant to your business. These blogs will not only increase your website’s content but they will also add value and helps establish you as an expert in your local community while being keyword optimized for search engines.

Encourage and share reviews

These days, before buying a new home, people usually read reviews or get recommendations for builders. That’s why customer reviews play an essential role in your local SEO strategy as they help increase engagement and credibility as well as improving your ranking. Take steps to encourage your satisfied customers to leave a review on sites like Google Business Profile, Yelp, or Facebook. This will also inspire and assure future buyers, and encourage them to leave positive reviews on these platforms.

Be active on social media

Social media is another powerful tool for local SEO. Make sure you’re active on social media, with a focus on the social platforms your potential clients are most likely to use. Share your location-based content on your social media channels, and engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages. Social media activity helps improve your website’s visibility and accessibility in local searches.

The success of your business is not only based on the type of homes you build, but also on how well you optimize your online presence for local search. Developing a winning local SEO strategy is imperative for your success and your visibility in the local market. By taking the time to put together a comprehensive strategy, you’ll see improvements in your online rankings and visibility and attract more people in your local area who are searching for your services.

Reach out to us to learn how we can help you create a winning local SEO strategy for your home building business.